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privacy policy

Protecting Users' privacy is particularly important to us. For this reason, website users milano-cosmetic-polska.pl (hereinafter referred to as the Online Store) are guaranteed the highest standards of privacy protection. LakiraMilano, as the personal data administrator, ensures the security of personal data provided by Users.

Having regard to the above and in view of the requirements introduced by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 /EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Journal of Laws EU.L.2016.119.1 of 2016/05/04) (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) in order to ensure LakiraMilano security of personal data, this Privacy Policy has been adopted.

This Privacy Policy sets out the rules for the processing and protection of personal data provided by Users in connection with their use of the Online Store and other websites, communications and services related to it.

A user is any data subject using the Online Store and other websites, communications and services related to it. (hereinafter referred to as the User).

The administrator of personal data collected in the Online Store is LakiraMilano, Os. Bolesława Chrobrego 13a, 60-694 Poznań, NIP: 9721321940, REGON: 520412697 (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator).

To the extent necessary to perform the contract concluded by the User with the Administrator, as well as to the extent necessary for the Administrator to take action at the User's request and to the extent necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the Administrator - the processing of the User's personal data takes place on the basis of legal provisions, i.e. Art. 6 section 1 letter b) and letter c) GDPR, without the User having to consent to the processing of his personal data. In other respects, providing personal data by the User is voluntary. However, to the extent that consent to the processing of the User's personal data was expressed solely for marketing purposes, the provision of personal data by the User is voluntary, but refusal to consent or withdrawal of consent will prevent the Administrator from informing the User about new offers and discounts.


The use of the Online Store by the User constitutes acceptance by the User that the Administrator collects, uses and shares non-personal and personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, the User has control over how his data is used and shared, which is described in detail in Chapter V of this Privacy Policy "User Rights".

In the case of processing personal data based on the User's consent, he has the right to withdraw his previously expressed consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The Administrator informs the User about the possibility of withdrawing consent before the User gives consent.

If this Privacy Policy changes and the User continues to use the Online Store, this action is deemed to constitute consent to the current terms of the Privacy Policy.


  1. Method of obtaining personal data

    1. Personal data obtained directly from the User
      The administrator obtains personal data in two ways. The first way is to obtain personal data directly from the User, through:

      • sending a message by the User, thanks to the contact form available in the Online Store,

      • creation of a customer account by the User in the Online Store,

      • placing an order for goods or services in the Online Store,

      • contacting the User with the Administrator in order to obtain technical support, submit a complaint or for other purposes.

    2. Personal data obtained from other sources
      The Administrator also obtains personal data from sources other than directly from the User, i.e.:
      by recording how the User uses the Online Store via cookies and other technologies and receiving error reports or usage data from the software running on the User's device,

      • from partners with whom the Administrator offers goods and services or conducts joint marketing activities.

  2. Personal data processed by the Administrator
    The scope of personal data collected by the Administrator regarding Users may vary depending on the purpose of personal data processing.
    The administrator collects, among others: the following personal and non-personal data:

    • Login name,

    • Name and surname / name of the company / name and surname of the entrepreneur or names and surnames of entrepreneurs operating in the form of a civil partnership,

    • correspondence address,

    • Phone number,

    • E-mail address,

    • Tax Identification Number,

    • REGON,

    • computer IP,

    • Payment details if the User makes a purchase in the Online Store.

    • Information contained in Cookies and similar technologies regarding the User's interaction with the Administrator's Online Store.

In addition, the Administrator collects data regarding the content of the User's files and messages when it is required to complete an order, provide him/her with the customer account service, including: the subject and content of an e-mail message, text or other content of an instant message, audio and video recordings of messages video, audio recording and transcription of a voice message received by the User or a text message dictated by the User.

The Administrator also collects information provided by the User, including opinions and evaluations of goods and services, as well as information provided for the purpose of obtaining technical support. Moreover, when contact is made, the Administrator collects the content of the message.


The method of processing personal data relating to the User by the Administrator depends on the scope of use of the Online Store by the User.

  1. Orders, customer account (performance of the contract)
    If the User decides to place an order for goods or services presented in the Online Store, the Administrator will process the User's personal data to the extent necessary to conclude a sales contract or a contract for the provision of services and to ensure proper implementation of the contract concluded with the User.
    If the User creates a customer account in the Online Store, the Administrator uses the User's personal data to properly perform the contract for the provision of electronic services, including authentication and authorization of the User's access to the customer account.

  2. Communication (performance of the contract, legally justified purpose pursued by the Administrator)
    The Administrator uses the User's personal data to communicate with him in a personalized way. This communication involves sending e-mails, placing notifications on websites and other means as part of the Online Store and the customer account service provided, including text messages and push notifications. The content communicated to the User concerns the goods and services offered, i.e. the availability of services and how to use them, personal data security, network updates, reminders, but also the Administrator's suggested offers.
    Communication with the User also applies to User service. Personal data is used to help the User, solve problems and respond to his complaints.
    The Administrator also uses the User's personal data to enable him to comment on the Administrator's activities, Online Store, services and goods.

  3. Advertising (consent, legally justified purpose pursued by the Administrator)
    The Administrator uses the User's personal data to offer him advertisements tailored to him, if the User has consented to such activities or in the event of a business relationship between the Administrator and the User. These advertisements concern both the Administrator's offers and those of entities cooperating with him.
    The advertisements presented to the User are individually tailored to each User (so-called "profiling") by using:

    • data provided directly by the User,

    • data collected when the User uses the Online Store,

    • information provided by third parties,

    • data from advertising technologies, such as cookies,

    • web beacons, pixels, advertising tags and mobile identifiers.

    The Administrator does not disclose the User's personal data to third-party advertisers or advertising networks without the User's consent. However, if the User clicks on the advertisement displayed to him, the advertiser will be informed about it.

  4. Improving the Online Store (legitimate interest of the Administrator)
    The Administrator uses the User's personal data to conduct analytical and statistical activities in order to constantly improve the Online Store, goods and services offered by the Administrator, provide better solutions, add new functions and possibilities.
    Personal data regarding Users are also used by the Administrator in the field of market research, public opinion research and economic analysis in order to constantly improve the Online Store.

  5. Security (legitimate interest of the Administrator)
    The Administrator uses the User's personal data to monitor, prevent, detect and combat fraud and abuse, protect other Users against such abuses and to ensure network and information security. If there is a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, the User's personal data will be used to investigate the probable commission of a crime or other violation of this Privacy Policy by undesirable persons.

  6. Pursuing claims (legitimate interest of the Administrator)
    If the User decides to use the Online Store, in particular by creating a customer account and placing an order for goods or services through it, the Administrator may process the User's personal data to the extent necessary to pursue any claims related to the business activity conducted, as well as analyzing potential violations of the rules of using the Online Store.

  7. Tax documentation (fulfillment of statutory obligation)
    If the User places an order for goods or services via the Online Store, the Administrator will process the User's personal data to the extent necessary to maintain tax documentation and settlements for completed orders.


The User's personal data is or may be transferred to the following categories of recipients:

  1. entities providing certain services in the sales process, i.e. courier/postal service providers, payment institutions acting as intermediaries in making payments by Users for placed orders for goods or services;

  2. suppliers of advertising or marketing services, in the case of achieving the goal of direct marketing of the Administrator's own services;

  3. providers of legal and advisory services and supporting the Administrator in pursuing due claims (in particular law firms, debt collection companies);

  4. entities processing personal data on behalf of the Administrator, e.g. technical service providers operating the technical infrastructure needed to run the Online Store;

  5. entities authorized to obtain data under applicable law, e.g. courts or law enforcement authorities, when they make a request based on an appropriate legal basis.


You have the right to decide about your personal data by making choices regarding the disclosure of individual personal data, including choosing privacy settings. However, in such a situation, the User must be aware that he will not be able to fully use some functionalities of the Online Store or services offered by the Administrator.

If the User wishes to exercise his or her rights as a personal data subject, he or she may contact the Administrator via e-mail sent to the following address: milanolakira@gmail.com The User may exercise some of his/her rights as a personal data subject through a customer account in the Online Store.

  1. The right to access data
    The User is entitled to obtain from the Administrator confirmation whether his or her personal data is being processed, and if so - he or she is entitled to access information regarding the details of the processing of his or her data, including in particular information on the purpose of processing and the categories of processed data. data.
    The User also has the right to request a copy of the personal data being processed.

  2. The right to rectify data
    The user has the right to rectify any inaccurate personal data. He has the right to request the replacement, supplementation or removal of errors, defects and misleading information in the entire data set that concerns him.
    The subject of supplementation cannot be personal data that is incorrect, i.e. the User cannot request that the existing data be replaced or supplemented with incorrect data.
    If the personal data being processed is incomplete, the User may submit an additional statement to complete it. It is permissible to present such a declaration in any form, including electronically.

  3. The right to delete data (right to be forgotten)
    The User has the right to request the deletion of his or her personal data if one of the following circumstances occurs:

    1. the User's personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

    2. The User has withdrawn consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing;

    3. The User objects to the processing of personal data concerning him/her;

    4. personal data were processed unlawfully;

    5. personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation provided for by Union law or the law of the Member State to which the Controller is subject;

    6. the personal data were collected in connection with the offering of information society services.

    The User has the right to be forgotten only if he/she exercises the right to delete personal data and only in a situation where personal data concerning him/her has been made public by the Administrator.

  4. The right to restrict processing
    The user has the right to restrict the processing of his personal data in the following cases:

    1. The User questions the accuracy of the personal data - for a period enabling the Administrator to check the accuracy of the data;

    2. the processing is unlawful and the User objects to the deletion of personal data and requests instead that their use be limited;

    3. The Administrator no longer needs the User's personal data for processing purposes, but the User needs them to establish, pursue or defend claims;

    4. The User has objected to the processing - until it is determined whether the legally justified grounds on the part of the Administrator override the grounds for the User's objection.

    If processing is limited, the Administrator may process personal data, except for storage, only:

    1. with the consent of the User or

    2. to establish, pursue or defend claims, or

    3. to protect the rights of another natural or legal person, or

    4. for reasons of important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.

  5. The right to transfer data
    The User has the right to receive personal data concerning him or her that he or she provided to the Administrator in a structured, commonly used format and has the right to send this data to another administrator.
    The User also has the right to request that his or her personal data be sent by the Administrator directly to another administrator, if technically possible.

  6. Right to object
    The User has the right to object at any time, for reasons related to his particular situation, to the processing of his personal data:

    1. in the public interest, in the exercise of public authority entrusted to the Administrator,

    2. towards processing for direct marketing purposes, including profiling, if it is related to this direct marketing,

    3. for the legitimate purpose of the Administrator.

    The objection consideration procedure and all communications are free of charge, and it is also possible to submit an objection electronically.

  7. Right to lodge a complaint
    The User has the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office, in particular in the Member State of his habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.


The Administrator uses cookies and other similar technologies to ensure optimal service of the User's visit in the Online Store, enable faster and easier access to information and offer Users increasingly improved functionalities of the Online Store, as well as for marketing and remarketing purposes (including necessary analytical activities and compilation into marketing profiles based on the User's activity on individual subpages of the Online Store). Cookies are fragments of code that are text files corresponding to HTTP requests directed to the Administrator's server. The Online Store also uses other available technologies that allow information to be saved in the browser in appropriate data stores (Session Storage, Local Storage), and is also placed in code fragments of analytical tools provided by other suppliers, which enable cookies to be saved in these domains. services. The stored information or access to it does not cause any configuration changes in the User's device or the software installed on it. Information contained in cookies and similar technologies is considered personal data only in connection with other personal data available about a given User. If the User does not agree to saving and receiving information in cookies or similar technologies, he or she may change the cookie rules using the settings of his or her web browser or use the so-called opt-out option on the website of the provider of a given technological solution. Detailed information on the technologies used by the Administrator is available in the Cookie Policy.


  1. Protecting the security of your personal data
    The Administrator introduces various measures to ensure the security of the User's personal data. Safe use of the services offered is ensured by the systems and procedures used to protect against access and disclosure of data to unauthorized persons. In addition, the systems and procedures used by the Administrator are regularly monitored to detect possible threats. Personal data obtained by the Administrator are stored in computer systems to which access is strictly limited.

  2. Storage of personal data
    The storage period for Users' personal data may vary due to the fact that different purposes for processing this data may be specified for different Users' personal data.
    The administrator stores personal data for the period necessary to achieve specific purposes, i.e.:

    1. in the case of analytical and statistical purposes - for the period necessary to achieve the goals related to the effective operation and development of the Online Store;

    2. in the case of fulfilling orders and providing services to the User - for the duration of the contract and the limitation period for claims;

    3. for the period required by law in relation to the purpose of maintaining tax documentation and settlements under contracts being implemented;

    4. in the case of processing personal data for marketing purposes - for the period of existence of the business relationship with the User, unless the User objects to the processing for these purposes;

    In each of the above cases, after the necessary processing period, the data may be processed only to secure claims or defend against them, and after that time only if and to the extent required by law.
    Users' personal data are stored in the Administrator's database, which uses technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of processed data in accordance with the requirements specified in applicable law. Only the Administrator has access to the database.

  3. Changes to the privacy policy
    In order to update the information contained in this Privacy Policy and its compliance with applicable law, this Privacy Policy may be changed. As the content of the document changes, the date of its update, which will be included at the beginning of this Privacy Policy, will change. However, the User will be notified about any significant change via information posted on the Online Store's website or directly. In order to obtain information on how personal data is protected, the Administrator recommends that Users regularly read these Privacy Policy principles.

  4. Contact info
    In case of any doubts related to personal data protection issues or to obtain information regarding this Privacy Policy, the User may contact the Administrator via e-mail. milanolakira@gmail.com and by post to the following address: Os. Bolesława Chrobrego 13a, 60-694 Poznań.

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